What are the Causes of Flood in Nigeria.

causes of flood in nigeria

What is the meaning of flood? Doing my research I did get a lot of definitions about what flood means but one stood out the most, it simplicity just encompasses what flooding is. Flood means ” Too much water at the wrong place”. Floods cause damage by harnessing the incredible force of flowing water, as well as by leaving behind dirt and debris once the floodwaters recede. Flooding is commonly associated with heavy rainfall, but it’s also important to note that floods can occur through various means that aren’t necessarily linked to current weather conditions.  

Natural causes of floods in Nigeria. 

Nigeria is a country situated  between major rivers: The River Niger and River Benue, which makes it prone to flooding and when the rain decides to throw a party, these rivers sometimes spill over their banks. Nigeria is also known for its weather twist, most times Nigeria experiences a double feature of wet and dry seasons. Rainy days take over from April to October, bringing with it some serious downpours. And thunderstorms are also not an exception, this leads to a massive water buildup. Low-lying areas start to feel the pinch, and flooding takes the stage. Basically , the combination of these basically causes the flooding

Human Causes of floods in Nigeria.

Flooding are not caused by natural causes alone there is also the human factor. Our own actions can also cause floods, you might be wondering how? Firstly, The fast-paced urbanization and population explosion we’ve been seeing has led to some serious changes in our landscapes. Forests are being cleared, and land is being reshaped for houses and factories. This messes with the movement of water and rainfall rushes off the land’s surface instead of being soaked in.

Poor city planning and not-so-great infrastructure are also part of the causes of floods. Nigeria is a country with inadequate drainage systems and waste disposal. And as these don’t function as they should, it’s like paving a way for blocked drains and water channels, which causes waterlogging. There are also people setting up homes in water ways and this can llead to an increase in flooding in certain areas

How Climate Change Affects Floods in Nigeria. 

While many Nigerians may not be interested in climate change, our country is till affected by its effects We’re seeing changes in rainfall patterns where we see long dry periods followed by these sudden, intense rain episodes, We have droughts followed by torrential downpours. 

How We Can Reduce Flooding in Nigeria

Flooding in Nigeria can be compared to a duet between nature and us humans, with climate change turning up the volume on the chaos. The country’s location, climate, and those seasonal twists all add up to the increase in flooding. The big question is, what do we do about it?

  • Firstly Nigeria’s got to move towards proactive flood management. Start planning smarter ways of using our land,
  • Secondly making sure our drainage systems can accommodate heavy downpours,
  • Thirdly setting up early warning systems so people in harm’s way can get a heads-up.
  • And then educating people on sustainable practices that can help us reduce those human-made flood triggers things like proper waste disposal etc.

Bottom line, it’s time to tackle the flood issue from its roots. By taking these steps and getting ahead of the game, We can minimize the havoc they wreck in our roads, houses and livelihoods.

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